Selected LGS Exam Questions from Kerala PSC LGS Exam
- When was first Atom bomb explored? 1945
- The largest land locked country in area – Kazakhstan
- Martin Luther King was assassinated in – 1968
- River Indus originates from – Kailas range
- Phalke Award is given to persons of which field? Film
- During whose reign Kalidasa lived? Chandragupta II
- The coin rupia was first issued by – Muhammad-bin Tughlaq
- The Industrial Revolution was to begin first in – England
- The first college was in Kerala was set up at – Kottayam CMS college
- The diameter of sun is how many times greater than of earth – 109
- World’s Largest production of plastic goods is – USA
- Worlds biggest Museum is situated in – London
- India’s first war of independence took place in - 1857
- The atmosphere layer closest to earth is called – troposphere
- The first women’s college in Kerala was set up at - Thiruvananthapuram