Kerala PSC Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Kerala PSC Frequently Asked Questions and Answers 

 1.Which Indian artist decorated the handwritten Copy of the Constitution?
Answer: Nandalal Bose

2. Which part of the Constitution deals with Gram Panchayath?

Answer: II

3. Part III of the Constitution deals with:

Answer: Fundamental Rights

4. Which part of the Constitution deals with Gram Panchayath:

Answer: IX

5. Part XV of the Constitution deals with:

Answer: Elections

6. Which Schedule of the Constitution includes Anti-defection provisions?

Answer: Tenth

7. The Eighth Schedule deals with:

Answer: Official Languages

8. Which Article deals with the Constitutional Amendment procedures?

Answer: 368

9. The concept of Judicial review is adopted from:

10. The Constitution of India was adopted on:
Answer: November 26, 1949

11. What was the total number of members in the Drafting Committee of Constitution:

Answer: 7

12. Constituent Assembly worked by constituting ……….. committees:

Answer: 13

13. Total schedules in Indian Constitution are:

Answer: 12

14. Most important influence on our Constitution was the ………….?

Answer: Govt. of India Act, 1935

15. Who was the chairman of the minority’s commission of the Constituent Assembly?

Answer: HC Mukherji

16. Who was the President of the Constituent Assembly?

Answer: Rajendra Prasad

17. Who was India’s Constitutional Advisor?

Answer: B N Rao

18. Who was the first Indian judge at the International Court of Justice?

Answer: B N Rao

19. What was the official estimate of expenditure on Constituent Assembly (in Rs):

Answer: 1 Crore

20. Which Article is described as the ‘Heart & Soul of the Constitution’?

Answer: 32

21. Which Constitutional Amendment is known as ‘Mini Constitution’?

Answer: 42

22. Which amendment to the Constitution was recommended by Sardar Swaran Singh Committee:

Answer: 42

23. The Preamble of the Indian Constitution has been amended ………….:

Answer: Once

24. The High Courts may issue writs under Article ………….:

Answer: 226

25. Which writ is issued to a detaining authority:

Answer: Habeas Corpus

26. According to Sardar Patel, Bloodless Revolution means:

Answer. Integration of Princely States

27. Which Act is known as the 'Prime Charter of Indian Legislature'.?

Answer. Councils Act of 1861

28. Which Amendment declares Delhi as National Capital Territory of India.?

Answer. 69th

29. By elections to any House of Parliament or any State Legislative Assembly is held within.?

Answer. 6 months

30. Who was the first CAG of India.?

Answer. V. Narahari Rau

31. Who is the present Leader of Opposition of Rajya Sabha.?

Answer. Arun Jaitli

32. The present Election Commissioner of Kerala.?

Answer. Shashidaran Nair

33. Which Article gave special status to Delhi.?

Answer. Article 239 AA

34. The Prime Minister who is known as the 'Father of Indian Economic Reforms'.?

Answer. P.V Nara Simha Rao

35. How many types of ministers are in the Union Cabinet.?

Answer. 3

36. Who was the chainman of Union Constitution Committee.?

Answer. Jawaharlal Nehru

37. Who is the custodian and guardian of the rights and privileges of the Members.?

Answer. Speaker

38. The idea of Concurrent List is taken from.?

Answer. Australia

39. Who opined that Caste, Criminality and Corruption are prevalent in Indian Electoral System.?

Answer. T.N Sheshan

40. Which Article prohibits the practice of Child Labour.?

Answer. Article 24

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